L.B.Islington Planning Application Ref: P2017/2961/FUL
City of London Planning Application Ref:
of the former Richard Cloudesley School, City of London Community Education
Centre, garages and substation, erection of a 3 storey building with rooftop
play area (Class D1) (2300.5 sqm GEA) and a single storey school sports hall
(Class D1) (431 sqm GEA) to provide a two-form entry primary school, erection
of a 14 storey building to provide 66 social rented units (Class C3) (6135 sqm
GEA), landscaping and associated works. Duplicate application submitted to the
City of London as part of the site falls within the City.
Brief Description of Proposals
- The scheme proposes the comprehensive redevelopment of the
former Richard Cloudesley School and part of the north edge of the Golden
Lane Estate, comprising a mixed use scheme to provide a new two-form primary
school (the City of London Primary Academy), plus nursery provision,
together with a new block of housing facing Golden Lane.
- The school comprises an L-shaped three storey classroom range
plus a screened rooftop play ground which effective creates a scale of
four storeys. In addition there is a single storey double-height hall on
the south side.
- The residential block occupies the frontage to Golden and rises
to 14 storeys in height for most of its length, and comprises 66 flats.
- The site straddles two boroughs. While the majority of the site
lies within the London Borough of Islington, the southern edge of the site
encroaches into the City of London. Planning applications are therefore
being made to both local authorities by the applicant who is the City of
London Corporation.
Method of Appraising the Proposals
- This document appraises
the current proposals in terms of its various impacts on designated and
undesignated heritage assets, and assesses its merits against the following
material considerations:
National Planning Policy
Framework March 2012
National Planning Policy
Guidance March 2014
The London Plan 2016
London Borough of Islington
Local Plan 2013
Finsbury Local Plan (Area
Action Plan for Bunhill and Clerkenwell) 2013
St Luke’s Conservation Area
City of London Local Plan 2015
City of London Golden Lane
Estate Supplementary Planning Guidance 2013
- The majority of the site
includes the former Richard Cloudesley School, built in the early 1970s as
a special needs school for the London Borough of Islington. This was
constructed on land that had previously been occupied by buildings on the
south side of Hatfield Street and the north side of Basterfield Street,
which had run west of Golden Lane, parallel to Baltic Street before the
war. The older buildings here and further south had been bombed and cleared
after the war to provide an area for comprehensive redevelopment which
included the Barbican and Golden Lane sites.
- The existing school
buildings, now vacant, are low-rise, and in a modernist style with
distinctively angled pitched roofs. The frontage to Baltic Street retains
brick boundary walls from the old Board School playground.
Golden Lane Estate
- The site lies immediately to
the north of the Golden Lane Estate, and includes part of the original
curtilage of the Estate, presumably with the intention of creating a
straight southern boundary and a larger development site. The Golden Lane
Estate, designed and constructed between 1952 and 1960 by Chamberlin
Powell and Bon, is a Designated Heritage Asset of exceptional significance
and importance. It is recognised as one of the best and most influential
post-war housing estates in Britain and is statutorily listed Grade II,
and partly Grade II* (the Crescent House frontage to Goswell Road).
- The Golden Lane Estate
originally lay within the Metropolitan Borough of Finsbury, which became
part of the London Borough of Islington in 1965, but following the
boundary changes of 1994 was transferred into the City of London. This
appeared to make some sense at the time, as the Golden Lane Estate was
owned and managed by the City Corporation, and still is.
- A petition of some 767
signatures has been presented to the City Corporation requesting the
designation of a new conservation area to include the Golden Lane Estate
and neighbouring sites including Bernard Morgan House, and the Corporation
have agreed to investigate this and report back.
St Luke’s Conservation Area
- The site lies partly within
the St Luke’s Conservation Area, first designated by the London Borough of
Islington in 1975 but substantially extended in 2002. The Conservation
Area includes the 1888 Board School in Baltic Street, now occupied by the
London College of Fashion. The western end of the original curtilage of
the Board School, beyond the school keeper’s house is within the
application site, including the brick school playground boundary walls.
- The former school is a
particularly fine example of its type designed under the direction of the
London County Council architect E.R.Robson. It has an impressive north
elevation facing Baltic Street, with an expressive gable visible along
Honduras Street, but also boasts a fine southern elevation in the form a
broad curving bay. This was always intended to be seen by the public from
the street, facing as it originally did onto the north side of Hatfield
Street, which had buildings only on its southern side. The southern elevation of the Board School remains clearly
visible from Golden Lane and contributes very positively to the character
and appearance of the area.
- The part of the St Luke’s Conservation Area which is close to
the application site is characterised by primarily late 19th
century commercial buildings, former warehouses, mainly 3 or 4 storeys in
height. The buildings on the corner of Baltic Street and Golden Lane are
particularly good examples and together with the school, make an important
contribution to the character and appearance of the conservation area.
- Particular care has been taken by the local planning authority
over the last twenty years in controlling roof extensions in this part of
the conservation area. Roof extensions on existing three or four storey
buildings in Golden Lane, Banner Street, Garret Street and elsewhere have
been modestly scaled and set back from the street frontage to minimise
their impact.
- The only tall building within the St Luke’s Conservation Area
is the tower and spire of St Luke’s Church, which is a significant
historic landmark. The top of the tower, with its unusual taper and
extraordinary weather-vane can be seen from Fann Street, south of the
Golden Lane Estate, across the top of Basterfield House.
Planning Policy Framework
- Various parts of NPPF are relevant to the development of the
site, including a requirement for good design and sustainable development,
provision of good quality housing, and policies on conserving and
enhancing the historic environment.
London Plan 2016
- The London Plan provides an important context for housing
standards, density of development and the paramount importance of good
Development Framework
- Islington’s Local Plan provides guidance on the suitable
locations for tall buildings across the Borough. The application site is not
an area that has been identified by Islington Council as being appropriate
for high buildings. It does not form part of or lie close to the cluster
of tall buildings around the Old Street roundabout and the adjacent part
of City Road, or the clusters around City Road Basin or Chiswell Street.
These locations for existing and new tall buildings are a long way from
the application site, and have no visual connection.
Finsbury Local Plan 2013
- The site lies within an area identified in Figure 17 of the
Finsbury Local Plan where a building height of around 6 storeys would be
appropriate. Policy BC9 makes it clear that “the existence of a tall
building in a particular location will not of itself justify its
replacement with a new tall building on the same site or in the same
- The site is allocated as Site BC34 in the Finsbury Local Plan
which makes specific proposals for future development of the Richard
Clousdesley School site. It notes that the previous school function will
be fully incorporated within the Golden Lane Campus, and recommends that
the site is redeveloped to provide housing, open space and play
facilities. It states that any new buildings should be sensitively
designed to minimise impacts on neighbouring residential buildings, and
that proposals should conserve and enhance heritage assets, including the
neighbouring locally listed buildings to the north, the Golden Lane
Estate, and the St Luke’s Conservation Area.
- The site also falls within an area of deficiency in access to
nature. The Finsbury Local Plan states that public open space should be
provided to offset the loss of playground space and to relieve pressure on
Fortune Street Park.
Area Policies
- Policies for the St Luke’s Conservation Area stipulate that new
buildings and extensions to existing buildings, should conform to the
height, scale and proportions of existing buildings in the immediate area,
using materials sympathetic to the character of the area in terms of
colour and texture
Lane Estate Listed Building Management Guidelines Supplementary Planning
Guidelines 2013
- This important document,
produced jointly by English Heritage (now Historic England) and the City
of London Corporation, and adopted by the City Corporation as SPG in 2013,
stresses the holistic significance of the Golden Lane Estate. “The Estate
should be appreciated in its entirety: not only for its various components
but also for its setting within the surrounding urban fabric. The views
from and into the Estate have become important, and part of its special
interest lies in its relationship with adjoining buildings. Their height,
scale, mass form, materials and detailing could, for example, have an
impact on that special interest. Any development on the immediate
boundaries of the listed area should take into account the significance of
the Estate’s setting. No new buildings, infilling, removals or extensions
should be introduced which would be detrimental to the integrity of the
Estate as a whole. The relevant local authority should, therefore, take
into account the significance of the Estate’s setting to its special
architectural interest when considering any developments on the immediate
boundary of the Estate.”
- The existing Richard Cloudesley School buildings are of some
interest as an example of the typology of low-rise primary schools built
in Islington by the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) in the late
1960s/early 1970s following the Plowden Report 1965 which recommended a
domestic scale – ‘little buildings for little people’. It is acknowledged
however that the original special needs educational use of the buildings
has ceased, and been relocated nearby in the Golden Lane Campus.
Redevelopment is acceptable, in principle.
- The proposal involves the demolition of part of the original
Board School boundary wall on Baltic Street, west of the former School
House, which is regrettable and avoidable, at least in its totality.
- The site lies within the Moorfields Archaeological Priority
Area, and there is potential for significant archaeology on the site, a
short distance outside the Roman city walls. It seems most unlikely that a
thorough investigation of the site was carried out after the war. At the
very least, a watching brief is required while demolition, excavations and
foundation works are being carried out on any new development.
and Massing of New Buildings
- The proposed residential block rises to a height of 46 metres
above ground level, which makes it a tall building in policy terms, well
over the threshold of 30 metres. The site lies outside an area where tall
buildings are either promoted or considered appropriate, and thus presents
a fundamental conflict with policy.
- Islington’s policy on tall buildings does potentially allow
exceptions where there are exceptional or outstanding design merits for
the proposal. That is very definitely not the case with the current
proposal, which breaks almost every principle of good urban design.
- The scale and height of the residential block poses serious
challenges to the existing townscape and historic environment. It will be
extremely dominant in the immediate and wider urban context. In terms of
the conservation area it will challenge the scale and dominance of the
spire of St Luke’s Church (Grade I listed), which is the main landmark in
the area. It will have a hugely detrimental impact on the listed Golden
Lane Estate.
- While there are post-war residential slabs to the south and
south-east of the site, it is significant that none of these lie
immediately on the back edge of any existing street line, but are set back
and located within substantial areas of open space, following Corbusian
principles. All the blocks on the east side of Golden Lane, with the
exception of the very narrow six-storey No.88, are well set back from the
street, so that their impact is reduced. Most of the Peabody Estate
buildings are 6 or 7 storeys, very similar to the lower blocks of the
Golden Lane Estate. The 13 storey Peabody Tower is well set back from the
street, behind a well-planted garden.
- An argument is put forward by the applicant that the proposed
residential slab relates to and replicates the mass of Great Arthur House,
and thus acts as a natural and acceptable ‘extension’ to the Golden Lane
Estate. The argument shows a complete failure to understand the master
plan and overall layout of the Golden Lane Estate. Great Arthur House is
the centre-piece of the estate, oriented north-south and carefully placed
as part of the orthogonal estate layout so that the width of the open
areas to its east and west were equal to or greater than the height of the
block. Put more simply, Great Arthur House could be laid down on its side
in either direction in the communal spaces to its east or west. For Chamberlin
Powell and Bon, the spaces between the buildings were as important as the
buildings themselves.
- By contrast, the proposed tower on the application site (actually
taller than the residential element of Great Arthur House excluding its
sculpted roof element), has no space around it to ameliorate or soften its
massive bulk. The proposed residential slab is positioned so as to rise
hard up against the existing pavement, both denying it any space in which
to stand, and resulting in an over-bearing impact on the street.
- While it may have been accepted by the City of London within
its ‘cluster’ of tall commercial buildings in the eastern part of the City
that these might rise vertically from the back-edge of pavement (e.g. the
Bishopsgate Tower), producing a New York-style canyon effect, this is not a
premise that should be remotely acceptable in a residential or mixed
residential/commercial area.
- The urban design and heritage consultants for the applicant
presume that because there are some tall buildings within the vicinity of
the site then there is a straightforward case for allowing another. It is
a false and self-serving argument. If repeated elsewhere in Islington it
could be used to justify towers anywhere in the borough, for example at
Highbury Corner (next to Dixon Clark Court), Clerkenwell (next to Michael
Cliffe House) or in King’s Cross (next to Bevin Court).
- In terms of the application site the very tall Barbican towers
are a considerable distance away. Indeed when viewed from the east side of
Golden Lane between Garret Street and Banner Street the Barbican towers
appear to be a similar height to Great Arthur House. This also happens to
be one of the best public views of the ensemble of the listed Barbican
towers and Great Arthur House, with the low-rise elements of the Golden
Lane Estate in the foreground. The proposed residential slab will block
this view. It will be overpoweringly prominent in views along Golden Lane,
from Old Street in the north and approaching from the south from Beech
Street. It will rise dramatically above the existing low-rise blocks of
Basterfield House, Stanley Cohen House, Bowater House and Bayer House.
- From within the Golden Lane Estate the new slab will loom over Basterfield
House when viewed from the communal open space to its south. The size and
proximity of the new residential block will have a very detrimental impact
on the appearance and setting of the Golden Lane Estate. It will destroy
the prominence of Great Arthur House as the focus of the Golden Lane
- Overall, the proposals cause very serious harm to the setting
of the Golden Lane Estate, and run completely contrary to the principles
involved in its original layout. The Golden Lane Estate Listed Building Management
Guidelines are admirable in extolling the high importance of the Estate,
its layout and its setting. Given that English Heritage was a contributor
and co-author of the Guidelines, it is extraordinary that the current
advice of Historic England appears to pay them little attention.
- From within the St Luke’s Conservation Area the proposed
residential block will be very dominant, rising above the gable of the
former Board School in Baltic Street when viewed from Old Street along the
length of Honduras Street. The contrast in scale between the new slab and
the commercial buildings in the conservation area will be extreme, a
juxtaposition which Chamberlin Powell and Bon handled with far greater
sensitivity and understanding with the design of Hatfield House.
- Similarly the view westwards along Banner Street from
Whitecross Street will be dominated by the proposed new block on the west
side of Golden Lane, belittling the scale of buildings within the
conservation area on the north side of Banner Street.
- The new frontage to Golden Lane will block existing views of
the fine south elevation of the Board School. Only a limited side-on view
will remain visible in the narrow gap left in the Golden Lane frontage.
The applicant’s argument in paragraph 7.148 of its Planning Statement that
the new residential building will improve the setting of the locally
listed buildings ‘by removing a gap’ and ‘providing a better townscape
context’ is extremely unconvincing. The locally listed buildings will be
simply dwarfed by the proposals.
- The view of St Luke’s spire currently visible from Fann Street
will be lost, obstructed by the proposed new residential block.
- The scale of the new L-shaped school block is also not inconsiderable,
slightly higher than the Victorian Board School which it abuts, and equal
in height to Hatfield House. Even without the residential element, the new
school on its own would present a sizeable addition to the townscape.
- It is telling that the applicant has chosen to attempt to
differentiate the tall element of the residential block by placing it on a
podium (although neither the tower or podium are set back from the pavement
edge building line). The podium block, in dark materials, attempts to be
sympathetic with the architectural language of Basterfield and Stanley
Cohen Houses, as if to concede that this is an appropriate scale and
design for the street. The attempt to ‘disguise’ the tall element by using
paler colours, as if it might somehow disappear or recede from view, is an
unconvincing and unsuccessful device.
- In terms of being an ‘outstanding’ or ‘exceptional’ design,
which might justify a major departure from tall buildings policy, there is
nothing to indicate this is the case. Islington Council’s Design Review
Panel considered the scheme three times at pre-application stage and has
raised each time serious concerns about the design and massing. At its
last review in May 2017 members of the Panel continued to raise concerns
regarding the height and dominance of the residential development on the
street scene, particularly in views from Old Street and Banner Street. The
Panel felt that the architectural expression was unresolved and did not
sit well as currently proposed.
- There is also a fundamental point that the mass, bulk and scale
of the proposed residential block is so flawed that no amount of tinkering
with design details or materials will alleviate its adverse impact.
on adjoining residential amenity
- The proximity of the new residential block has a highly
detrimental impact on the outlook and overshadowing of existing flats in
Basterfield House. Even though the 4th – 13th floor
element of the block has been moved away from the southern boundary of the
site, the four storey element, taller than Stanley Cohen House, will have
a major impact.
- Information provided by the applicant (paragraphs 7.194 and 7.195
of the Planning Statement) states that the existing recessed rooms of
Basterfield House and Hatfield House will be adversely affected by the
proposals. The Statement ‘blames’ this on the presence of the original
balconies and projections, suggesting that if these did not exist then
there would not be a problem. It is a ludicrous argument, as they are
clearly part of the listed building. Any reduction in day-lighting to
existing habitable rooms should be avoided.
- The school hall, dining room and kitchen, located on the
southern boundary of the site will also have a detrimental impact on the
western end of Basterfield House.
- Mixed school and residential development has been done before
in Islington, notably in King Henry’s Walk and Hungerford Road/York Way,
but inevitably involves compromise on the part of both elements.
Particularly issues of concern are overlooking of classrooms and play
areas from residential properties, and the provision of adequate amenity
and play space for both. The proposal to accommodate a two-form entry
primary and infant school together with a large amount of housing appears
to be over-ambitious, resulting in a gross over-development of a
comparatively small site (0.4 hectares). It is telling that the
applicant’s Design and Access Statement lists its first ‘Design Principle’
as maximising the development of the site.
- The combined two-form entry and nursery provision will
accommodate 458 children. This in itself is an enormous intensification in
educational use over the previous school on the site. The scale of the new
school buildings is significant, equal to the Board School adjacent.
- The proposed location of the sports hall and kitchens along the
south-west edge of the site has an undesirable impact on the residents of
Basterfield House. The building is 3.5 metres tall along the boundaries of
the site, comprising an increase in what is currently there. The main part
of the hall is 5.5 metres in height, and although set back by two metres
from the boundary, will remain very close to the Basterfield House flats.
- Venting of smells from the kitchens might also have a negative
impact on nearby flats.
- The rooftop playground is screened by a wall in an attempt to
contain noise, but the open playground areas are not and will likely be a
major source of noise, which will be very difficult to contain. The noise
assessment report produced by the applicant appears to have ignored this
aspect of the scheme.The only mention of noise mitigation measures in the
applicant’s report is the ‘quiet teaching space’ near Hatfield House.
- The proposed residentially density is grossly in excess of the
maximum allowed in the London Plan or Islington’s Local Plan, even
allowing for good access to public transport. The London Plan allows for a
range of 650 – 1,100 habitable rooms per hectare in areas of excellent
public transport, and recommends that the maximum should only be exceeded
where social infrastructure, open space and play facilities are adequate.
- With 187 habitable rooms in the proposed scheme, the
residential density will be around 2,000 habitable rooms per hectare,
almost double the recommended maximum. This super-high density is not
mitigated by generous provision of public open space. Indeed there is a
complete lack of open space in the scheme itself and an existing
deficiency in the local area.
- The density proposed is enormously greater than existing
residential densities in the area, including Great Arthur House, the whole
of the Golden Lane Estate and the nearby Peabody estate.
- It should be noted that in pre-application discussions between
the City and Islington Housing Departments, it was agreed that the mix of
unit sizes and apportionment to each authority would apply in a scheme of
only 40 units, if that was a consequence of planning or other unforeseen
development restrictions. A smaller, less dense, scheme has therefore been
Mix and Tenure
- While the provision of 66 new units of social rented housing
may seem highly desirable, this must be considered in the context of
recent decisions nearby within the City of London. The planning approval in
May 2017 for the redevelopment of Bernard Morgan House permits the
replacement of a block which previously provided 120 affordable housing
units for key workers (police officers) by a new residential block of 99
private flats with no affordable housing. A sum of £ 4.5 million is
included in a Section 106 agreement to fund off-site provision, presumably
contributing to some of, but by no means all, the housing proposed on the
Richard Cloudesley School site. Care must be taken therefore in how many
boxes are ticked in terms of meeting targets for affordable housing by the
two boroughs. Under normal circumstances, the 99 private flats approved at
Bernard Morgan House should fund 66 affordable units off site. Taking the
two sites together it would appear that the Richard Cloudesley School site
merely meets the off-site requirements of the proposed redevelopment of
Bernard Morgan House. Overall, it still falls short of the affordable
housing that Bernard Morgan House previously provided. If social housing
were being provided on the Bernard Morgan House, then there might be less
of an argument to put so much on the Richard Cloudesley School site.
- The mix of units provides a considerable number of 2 and 3 bed
units, potentially accommodating children. None of these units have
gardens, and only have balconies of limited size. Perhaps because of
overlooking issues with the school at the lower levels, and the
arrangement of deck access, the balconies to the 3 bed units face east,
and so receive no afternoon sun.
60. The Finsbury Local Plan 2013 highlighted the need for socially
rented family homes in the area, but it is highly questionable whether it is
right to provide these in a slab block of such high density or with so little
play space.
61. The applicant’s Design and Access Statement notes that the position
and design of the housing has been so arranged because they ‘need to be
marketable with their own distinct address.’ Presumably the flats will not, in
fact, be marketable.
Space and trees
- Despite the requirements of the Finsbury Plan, the proposals
make no contribution to the provision of additional public open space in
the area. The area is already deficient in open space, and the only nearby
facility, Fortune Street Park, is heavily used, including by children from
the Golden Lane Campus. Islington Council’s Parks Department and the
Friends of Fortune Street Park made strong objections to the City
Corporation regarding the adverse impacts on the park of the proposed
redevelopment of Bernard Morgan House, objections that were completely
- The applicant’s Planning Statement states that, using the GLA’s
planning guidance, an area of 430 square metres of separate children’s
play space should be provided for the residential element of the scheme.
No such space is provided. The excuse given is that ‘the site is heavily
constrained in terms of the available area.’ It is symptomatic of the
overdevelopment of the site.
- There is perhaps an assumption by the City that the new
residential block can be regarded as an ‘extension’ of the Golden Lane
Estate, and that the additional residents will be entitled to share its
existing private facilities. The applicant’s Design and Access Statement
labels the spaces within the Golden Lane Estate as ‘public’, when in fact
they are semi-private, for the benefit of the residents of the Estate. The
over-used Fortune Street Park is the only public open space in the
immediate vicinity of the site.
- The proposal involves the needless loss of existing semi-mature
trees in the south-west corner of the site. These silver birch and cherry
trees are an important amenity in an area where there are few trees. They
are appropriate for their situation, are in good health and have a
reasonable life-expectancy. This is confirmed by Appendix 3 of the
applicant’s Tree Report, which confirms that all the existing trees have a
future life span of 10+ or 20+ years. They should be retained. The
proposed replanting of young trees will not be adequate compensation.
- The applicant’s suggestion that it is retaining existing mature
plane trees in Baltic Street is a spurious claim, as they are beyond the
application and development site.
- The location of the kitchens and double-height sports hall in
the south-west corner of the site will have a detrimental impact on the
adjacent Golden Lane Estate allotments in terms of shadowing.
Realm and Permeability
- A considerable part of the ground floor to Golden Lane is made
up of access gates to refuse storage, utilities and a substation,
providing an extremely unappealing frontage for pedestrians. The school
entrance will be busy at the beginning and end of the school day, but completely
dead at other times. Security of schools is a major issue, understandably
preventing any sense of permeability or visual access into the site.
- Despite the City of London’s intention to improve the public
realm along Golden Lane, following its area development strategy produced
by Publica, the ground floor uses do little to produce an animated
frontage outside school opening and closing times.
- The proposed public access to the community use of the hall is
down a narrow alleyway next to Hatfield House. It is a tortuous and
uninviting route. The hall itself in its proposed position contributes
nothing to the public realm. It would be far better to locate the
multi-purpose hall on the Golden Lane frontage, where it might contribute
to the vitality of the street.
- While the new buildings themselves are designed to comply with
current requirements for sustainability, the most questionable consequence
of the proposal is traffic generated by the new school. The normal
requirement for primary schools in urban areas is that pupils should be
able to walk to and from home. A school should thus be located within the
catchment area for the pupils it will serve. There is no evidence that
this will be the case with the proposed school here. The existing Golden
Lane Campus provides infant and primary places for the local catchment
area and special needs places for a wider area. The applicant’s Travel
Plan makes an assumption that all the pupils will be live very close to
the school and thus be able to walk, accompanied by a parent or guardian.
However there is a strong possibility that pupils at the proposed new
school will not all live within walking distance and will be driven by bus
or car.
- The proposal involves the loss of existing garages which are
part of the Golden Lane Estate and which currently provide valuable
parking for disabled residents. There is no proposal to replace this.
- The proposals cause harm to designated heritage assets, notably
the setting of the Golden Lane Estate and the St Luke’s Conservation Area.
Some residents of the Golden Lane Estate will argue that the harm is
substantial, invoking consideration under Paragraph 133 of NPPF. Others
may argue that the degree of harm is less than substantial, triggering
consideration under Paragraph 134 of NPPF. In either case, the local
planning authority is required to weigh or balance the harm caused against
the public benefits achieved by the proposal.
- It should also be noted that while it has been held that
‘substantial’ harm might require the virtual destruction of the
significance of a designated heritage asset, the implication is that ‘less
than substantial’ harm can involve very serious harm to the asset. In all
cases, it has been held that when balancing harm against public benefit,
heritage matters should be given very considerable weight. The Planning
Act requires that ‘special’ care be given to conserving and enhancing the
historic environment.
- In addition the claims of the applicant that the proposals will
provide significant public benefits need to be examined in detail.
of school
- While it is the case that Islington’s population is increasing,
resulting in a need for more school places, it is far from evident that
Golden Lane is the right location. New primary school provision should
have regard to the greatest concentrations of family housing. The recent
creation of the Golden Lane Campus, comprising the redevelopment and
enlargement of the former Prior Weston School, has already created a very
sizeable new primary education facility in the immediate vicinity of the
site. The Golden Lane Campus already accommodates in the order of 800
pupils. The school in Moreland Street has also been significantly enlarged
recently. Given the location of the site on the very edge of borough, it
is doubtful that the site successfully meets identified educational need
within the London Borough of Islington.
- There is no convincing evidence that either population levels
or numbers of children of primary school age are rising significantly
within the City of London, and certainly not to a level that justifies a
new two-form entry school.
of Housing
- The proposal includes 66 new social rented housing units, which
is welcomed by Islington. In reality it does little more than meet the
City of London’s affordable housing obligations, providing off-site
provision conveniently outside the borough, for luxury residential
developments within it. The excessive density of development and lack of amenity
space places a major question mark over the quality and suitability of the
accommodation provided, particularly for family housing.
of Community Facilities
- It is intended that the multi-purpose school sports hall will
be available for community use. However the hall is poorly located for
public access, and makes no contribution to the public realm. The hall
cannot be regarded as an adequate alternative to public open space and
external play space. Nor is it clear what the community demand for the
hall will be, given that there are existing community hall facilities
nearby. Given its location, tucked away at the back corner of the school
site, rather than facing the Golden Lane frontage, it remains unclear how
it will be used and managed by the wider community.
- Paragraph 134 of NPPF requires that ‘where a development
proposal will lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of a
designated heritage asset, this harm should be weighed against the public
benefits of the proposal, including securing its optimum viable use’.
National Planning Policy Guidance 2014 suggests that the issue of Optimum
Viable Uses should include consideration as to whether an alternative
scheme or proposal might cause less harm whilst also achieving equal or
greater public benefits, even if that scheme is not the most profitable.
- It is surely the case that a less dense development, achieving
fewer but higher quality housing units, together with the provision of new
public open space, better public realm and a multi-purpose hall that is
more accessible to the community would result in a far better balance of
public benefit against harm caused, and would enhance the local area
rather than putting it under great stress.
- The proposed redevelopment of the Richard Cloudesley School in
Golden Lane will cause very serious harm to the significance of the
designated heritage assets that comprise the Golden Lane Estate and the St
Luke’s Conservation Area. It is considered that this harm should be
accorded very great weight.
- The excessive development of the site will bring further
pressure to bear on existing over-stretched local facilities, notably the
Fortune Street Park.
- Although the scheme does provide public benefits from the point
of view of the London Borough of Islington in terms of social housing,
this provision should be seen in the context of the City of London trying
to meet its own obligations to provide social housing, but seeking to do
this outside its own boundaries. The effective loss of affordable housing
units for key workers at Bernard Morgan House (within the City) should be
taken into consideration. The overall net gain in affordable housing is
- The very high density and lack of external garden or play space
makes the quality of the family housing highly questionable.
- The school might be seen as a public benefit, but the location
is this new facility is debatable, given that the demand for new school
places is not local. It is highly likely that many pupils will need to be
driven considerable distances from their homes to the new school, which is
unsustainable and undesirable into terms of community cohesion.
- The proposed community use is poorly located in terms of
independent public access.
- Overall it is considered that the benefits do not outweigh or
justify the harm caused. It is considered that the site should be
redeveloped more sympathetically, with less harmful impact on the heritage
assets and on the amenities of neighbouring residents whilst achieving
equal benefits. In its current form the planning applications should be
The Author
Alec Forshaw
(MRTPI, IHBC) worked as a town planning, urban designer and conservation
officer with the London Borough of Islington from 1975 to 2007. He appeared as
an expert witness at the 2014 Public Inquiries on Smithfield Market and the
Liverpool Welsh Streets. He lectures, campaigns and acts as a trustee in a
volunteer capacity for many heritage organisations, including the Victorian
Society, the 20th Century Society, the Heritage of London Trust, the
Churches Conservation Trust, SAVE Britain’s Heritage and the Islington Building
Preservation Trust.
He is the author
of Smithfield, Past, Present and Future (2015),
1970s London (2012), Twentieth Century Buildings in Islington (2001)
and New City: Contemporary Architecture
in the City of London (March 2013), and co-author of The Barbican: Architecture and Light (2015).
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